Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Structural Importance of Feedlots

While driving through the Texas Panhandle one might be able to see over 100 different feedlots in a 100 mile radius. Persons might think that the general structure of a feedlot is very basic, and would not be hard to design, Likewise feedlot structures are a very in depth precisely studied structures that take years of experience to master. There are 10 main factors that engineers focus on when designing a feedlot these factors consist of : Site selection,water availability,soil,drainage,orientation,shade,feeding systems,handling equipment,manure management & handling and expansion. Taking the time for these 10 factors will profit the operators by minimizing animal and worker stress during handling; Feeding cattle in a adequate and efficient matter; following these steps will also protect the surrounding environment from pollution and spoilage.

 Space requirement is very important when designing ones overall pen space. Approximately one hectare of land is needed to accommodate 250 head of cattle which includes pen space, alleys and feed roads. In general 0.3 to 0.5 hectare is necessary per head of cattle for a farming operation. This is enough land for manure disposal and to supply feedlot with a portion of the feed needs with dependence variables such as irrigation and type of crops grown.

Below a picture is provided of a very well designed feedlot that meets all 10 of the important factors when it comes to designing a feedlot.

Feedlot Diets

Once cattle arrive to a feed lot they are assigned a specialized animal feed which consist mainly of corn, corn byproducts,Milo,barley and other grains as well as roughage which consist of alfalfa,corn stalks,sorghum and other hay products, along with premixes composed of micoingredients such as vitamins, minerals, chemical preservatives, antibiotics and other essential ingredients that are purchased from premix companies. Feedlot diets are high in protein, to encourage growth of muscle mass and the deposition of some fat known as marbling. The marbling is desired to consumers as it contributes to flavor and tenderness. High grain diets lower the ph in the animals rumen, sometimes causing illness, diet rations are balanced based upon current and desired weights. Cattle may gain an additional 400 pounds during its approximate 200 days in the feedlot. Once cattle are fattened up to their finishing weight which can very, the fed cattle are then hauled to plants such as Cargil and Tyson to be harvested. Here is an example of a high protein feedlot ration consisting of steamed flaked corn used to feed steers weighing 950 lbs -1200lbs.

Texas Feedlots

Hey ya'll I am posting this blog for a computer class and nothing came to mind to blog about so I chose Feedlots in the Texas Panhandle. According to statistics Texas has been ranked the number one cattle state in the nation. In early years Texas had more cattle on its ranges than it did people. By the mid 1980's Texas had also become the number 1 cattle feeding state in the U.S. On average,(depending on the markets) the cattle industry contributes around 12 billion dollars to the states economy. The main objective of feedlots is to confine animals to add weight and improve quality. For those reading this blog that do not understand basic weights and vocabulary, some of this information might be hard to interpret. A typical yearling weighing 500-700 pounds will double its weight during its 150-200 days in the feedlot. Depending on the gender,breed and type some cattle are able to gain 3-4.75 pounds a day. Quality will improve from unpredictable to Choice or Select grade- the quality that consumers prefer.
The above image illustrates how densely populated feedlots can be. It wasn't until the years following WWII when the feedlot industry began to change to a more technical and economic stable industry. The increased use of technology changed the landscape and economy of the High Plains of West Texas. The major break through spurred this change The discovery of hybrid grain sorghum and the development of irrigation. Yields doubled from 3000-4000 pounds per acre to 7000-8000 pounds per acre. This huge surplus depressed prices. In 1955 farmers organized the Grain Sorghum Producers Association in effort to find new markets with cattle feeders at home and abroad.

Texas Panhandle Feedlots